General Auto Repair:
Engine tune-ups, oil changes, fluid checks and changes, tire rotations, and more.
Brake Repair:
Brake pad and rotor replacement, brake line repair, brake fluid flush, and more.
Suspension & Steering Repair:
Shock and strut replacement, alignment services, power steering repair, and more.
Transmission Repair:
Transmission fluid flush, clutch repair, transmission rebuilds, and more.
Electrical System Repair:
Battery replacement, starter repair, alternator repair, and more.
Heating and Air Conditioning Repair:
AC recharge, AC repair, heater repair, and more.
Exhaust System Repair:
Muffler replacement, catalytic converter replacement, exhaust system inspection and repair, and more.
Engine Performance Services:
Fuel system cleaning, fuel injection service, engine diagnostic testing, and more.
Fleet Services:
Maintenance and repair services for commercial vehicles and fleets.
Pre-Purchase Inspections:
Comprehensive used-vehicle inspections to identify potential issues before purchase.
Provincial Auto Inspections:
We are a BC and CVSE-certified vehicle inspection facility.